Friday, October 2, 2009

The medical team:Physians who treat mesothelioma

After a patient is diagnosed with mesothelioma, he or she will generally be referred by the general practitioner or family doctor to a doctor who specializes in cancer treatment—an oncologist. The oncologist is the doctor who determines the stage of the disease and charts a course of treatment.
The oncologist may work with several other types of experts in treating mesothelioma. If radiation is needed, the patient will see a radiation oncologist or therapeutic radiologist. These are physicians who specialize in conducting radiation (high levels of x-rays) of cancerous tumors in an effort to kill the cancer cells.
Many patients will be referred to a thoracic surgeon, a doctor who specializes in surgery of the chest area. A pulmonologist may also be an important part of the medical team who treat a mesothelioma patient. Some patients who do require surgery will see a pulmonary therapist afterward. Pulmonary therapists work with all types of patients (not just surgery patients) to help recover lost lung function. Some patients may be directed to a pulmonologist, a specialist of the lungs.
In addition, it is quite common for mesothelioma patients to be referred to a psychologist. Mesothelioma is a difficult, painful, aggressive disease that leaves many patients with conflicting emotions about treatment and their future. But patients need to maintain a positive attitude during their treatment in order to receive the maximum benefit from it. A psychologist can help immeasurably during this process.

A mesothelioma patient needs a team of specialists to work together during the treatment process. But the patient is also part of the process. Patients should ensure that they find a mesothelioma doctor with whom they feel comfortable. They should insist on understanding what is happening at each phase in the treatment and not be shy about asking questions. Finally, patients should not hesitate to speak up should something seem strange or inappropriate. And of course, patients are always entitled to seeking a second opinion.


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