Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment: Choosing the Mesothelioma Treatment That Is Right for You

Facing a diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma is not an easy task. You can fight the feeling of hopelessness by learning as much as you can about mesothelioma treatment as well as the details of your own medical situation. This will help you work with your doctors to make decisions that are best for you and your family. We recommend consulting both your family physician and a pulmonary (lung) specialist who has dealt with pleural mesothelioma patients and is familiar with the problems of asbestos exposure.
Asking Your Doctor About Pleural Mesothelioma
You may want to write down questions to ask your doctor in preparation for your office visit. This can help you focus your thoughts and make sure that you understand basic medical information. Also consider taking a relative or friend with you for support. The American Cancer Society provides this suggested list of questions:
» What is the stage of my mesothelioma (i.e. how advanced is it)?
» Has the pleural mesothelioma spread beyond its original site?
» What is my prognosis?
» What mesothelioma treatment options do I have? Which of these options do you recommend, and why?
» What risks or side effects are there to the pleural mesothelioma treatments you suggest?
» What are the chances that my cancer will recur with these treatment plans?
» What should I do to be ready for mesothelioma treatment?
You may also have other questions and concerns about day–to–day living, mesothelioma treatment recovery times, or about clinical trials, which are research studies that test the safety and effectiveness of new pleural mesothelioma therapies on patients. You should feel free to add new items to your list. The more candid the conversation you have with your doctor, the better you will be able to cope with your diagnosis.
Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment Options
The treatment method that you choose will depend on how advanced your disease is, your general physical health, and personal preferences. At this point in time, pleural mesothelioma cannot be cured, although some therapies, such as the chemotherapy drug, ALIMTA® , may decrease pain and promote survival or a better quality of life.
Some doctors use a combination of mesothelioma therapies such as surgery plus chemotherapy, or surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. This is called “multimodality therapy.” Another common pleural mesothelioma treatment technique is to base the procedures on whether the cancer has spread, and if so, how far (see Mesothelioma Diagnosis: Staging). The current available treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Photodynamic therapy and immunotherapy are in the experimental stages of development.
The field of pleural mesothelioma research is in constant flux. We will keep you up–to–date about new drugs and other medical treatments in our medical news section. You will want to carefully discuss new mesothelioma treatment options with your doctor, as well as the more standard ones.


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